Friday, March 16, 2012

Republican Anti-Intellectualism

I'm always amused how Republicans speak of elitism and the "liberal elite," and emphasize anti-intellectualism, yet they themselves are members of the economic elite.

Unfortunately, this trend is not new.  I'm sure that Democrats have engaged in anti-intellectualism on occasion, but it does seem that Republicans are quite successful at it!

Romney Loves Nascar

Romney tries to emotionally "connect" with voters by speaking of his friendship -- not with NASCAR fans -- but with  NASCAR team owners.  More recently, Romney's branched out and demonstrated that he likes football.  After all, he's friends with NFL team owners.  Of course, every voter has friends who are the heads of large corporations.  Even unemployed workers and people with foreclosed homes make large campaign contributions, own multiple homes, and take vacations using their private planes.  Right?

If Romney wants to get the Republican nomination and win the election, he needs to carefully consider how poor and lower middle class voters perceive him and his affluence -- or maybe he just doesn't care!

Illinois students grill Rick Santorum after teacher interrupts stump speech

GOP presidential challenger Rick Santorum faced three tough questions from high school students Friday afternoon on his education, health care and economic policies.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Man on Dog" or "Dog on Roof" -- We Report -- You Decide!

Democratic Underground has an interesting cartoon depicting the "dilemma" of the "dog" Republican candidates!  Santorum's ridiculous "man on dog" comment doesn't seem to have hurt his chances with conservative Christian voters, but it makes this believer in a Supreme Being think that he'll never vote for Santorum for anything!!  As for Romney, his dog transportation methods make me question his capacity for compassion along with his decision making abilities.  Even FoxNews posted an editorial claiming that the dog incident disqualifies Romney for the presidency, although I suspect that FoxNews' viewers and staff feel that Romney isn't severely conservative enough to be President.

The Guardian has a pugilistic themed cartoon depicting Santorum and Romney.

CNN Arizona Republican debate – as it happened

Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum squabbled in an ill-tempered Republican presidential debate in Arizona hosted by CNN    Arizona Debate

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Poll-itics: Stephen Colbert beating Jon Huntsman and Buddy Roemer in S. Carolina

5% of primary voters would pick Colbert.  He runs behind Mitt Romney’s 27%, Newt Gingrich’s 23%, Rick Santorum’s 18%, Ron Paul’s 8%, and Rick Perry’s 7%.  But he’s beating out Jon Huntsman’s 4% and Buddy Roemer’s 1%.  Stephen Colbert

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Don’t get spun by Internet rumors

"Just because you read it on somebody’s blog or in an email from a friend or relative doesn’t mean it’s true. It’s probably not, as we advised in our special report “Is this chain e-mail true?” back on March 18, 2008. On this page we feature a list of the false or misleading viral rumors we’re asked about most often, and a brief summary of the facts. But click on the links to read the full articles. There is a lot more detail in each answer."

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The case of the missing gas mileage

Breyer wades into Supreme Court ethics debate

Santorum's income has soared since he left Senate  I guess the private sector does pay better.  I love the facial expressions in this photograph.

Why Republicans Embrace Simpletons and How It Hurts America

Monday, January 2, 2012"Piano Society is proud to present its large collection of more than 5,000 high-quality classical keyboard recordings, produced by our artists consisting of both professionals and skilled amateurs. Visitors can find a wide range of music by famous as well as lesser-known classical composers. Although all recordings are free, donations will be gratefully received to cover the costs of hardware and web hosting. "

The Fight Over Fracking   "Netflix is wonderful for the mailbox. Alongside bills, credit card offers and a never-ending stream of fat magazines, that familiar red-and-white envelope holds the promise of an hour or two of mindless entertainment. Inevitably, though, for every dumb movie or stand-up comedy, I feel obligated to add a documentary, exposé, or heart-wrenching Oscar-winner. The latest was Gasland, which sat on the shelf unwatched for some weeks until I heard it mentioned on the radio during my morning commute. I got what I expected; a Michael Moore-esque “j’accuse” laced with free-form cinematography and folk music."

Late Night Live -- Interview with Kurt Vonnegut

"In this interview, Kurt Vonnegut talks about his experience with depression and how he came to have such a low estimation of humanity. 'And so it goes' - a line from 'Slaughterhouse Five', is also one he uses often, particularly when reflecting on the key event in his life - the fire-bombing of Dresden, and the pointlessness of this strategy as a way of trying to bring an end to the war. For his epithet he thought he would choose: "The only proof we needed of the existence of God was music". Kurt Vonnegut died aged 84 on 13th April, 2007. Originally broadcast on 26/10/2005."

Philosopher's Zone: "The trials and tribulations of private Bradley Manning""We’ve heard a lot in recent times about the legal wrangles of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange but there is another Wikileaker facing life in prison who has been given much less attention: Private Bradley Manning. Bradley Manning is accused of leaking thousands of classified defence documents and faces life in prison if found guilty. Over two hundred legal scholars and philosophers have signed a petition claiming his treatment has been unconstitutional and unethical. This week we look at the literal trials and tribulations of Bradley Manning."

Economic outlook 2012

"What is Australia’s economic outlook for the coming year? Australia weathered the economic turmoil of 2011, despite being buffeted by the European debt crisis, the slow US recovery and a series of damaging natural disasters at home. But some sectors, including retail and manufacturing, are struggling. So will 2012 be more economically stable? What challenges will the economy face next year?"

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Free Bonerama Recordings

Stanton Moore -- Free Recordings From

Visit this link for free Stanton Moore concert recordings.   The page has this text: "Free Stanton Moore concerts. Trade-friendly Live Music Archive concerts are available for download and/or streaming in formats including mp3, flac, and ogg vorbis."